Pumpin Pal vs Lacteck flanges
Last update 21/12/2024
Like all things with expressing (or life in general) there is no guarantee that any product will work well for you. ‘Rules’ given in this article are in general and for the majority – there can always be exceptions. Definitions and basic info A breast pump ‘flange’ is generally considered the part that touches the breast. It can also be called a ‘breast shield’. Then there is the ‘connector’ – the part that is shaped like an elbow and usually connects to a backflow protector or the tubing directly. The valve then hangs into the bottle from the underneath.
Some breast pump companies make their flanges as a one-piece - ie the flange and connector are joined; others a 2-piece – the flange detaches from the elbow. When it is a one-piece system the whole thing is usually just called 'the flange', when it's a 2-piece it is sometimes the 'breast-shield' and 'connector'.
LacTeck® and Pumpin Pal™ are companies who make just the flange/breast shield part.
'Regular' flanges are those made from hard plastic, in the traditional shape and design. I class the Pumpin Pal and Lacteck flanges as 'advanced flanges'.
Pumpin Pal™
Started in 1999, these are angled flanges were initially designed to allow 'relaxed expressing and comfort'. Traditionally when you express with ‘regular’ flanges you need to lean forward* or at least very upright to allow the milk to flow down the funnel and towards the bend. So these flanges were designed to be angled to allow you to lean back.
*Having to lean forward while expressing to stop milk running down your breast can be a sign that you are using the wrong size - click here for a sizing guide - although generally, you need to sit quite upright regardless.
They also have ridges on them to potentially increase output, by stimulating the breast tissue around the nipple. They now come in 6 sizes – 2X-Small, X-Small, Small, Medium, Large and X-Large. Regular flanges can be found in sizes ranging from 10mm – 36mm, generally in 1mm increments up to 21mm. Each size of Pumpin Pal™ flanges fit a range of sizes – 2XS = <15mm, XS = 15 – 18mm, S = 19 – 23mm, M = 24 – 29mm, etc. The numbers relate to the 'regular' flange size. The 2XS, XS, and S sizes are made of soft silicone, the M and up are made from the same material as regular flanges. The 2XS, XS, and S also come with a hard ‘collar’, which allows them to fit snuggling into a connector.
Over the years they have become popular for those with 'elastic nipples' - however, like anything on the internet/social media we should be cautious with self diagnosing via information given by those with only their experiences to draw on (ie they've only expressed for their only baby, they're not someone who has spoken to hundreds, potentially even a thousand or more about their experiences). In speaking to hundreds, potentially even a thousand or more mothers, most cases of 'elastic nipples' actually mean they're are using the wrong size regular flange
I have been a member of an exclusive expressing and low supply support group (2 separate groups) for 10+ years – there have been numerous reports on both sides of those who love them and those who don’t respond to them. Some who use them well say that you need to turn up your suction slightly, others have said they can use a lower setting as they work so well for them. As a stockist, I have also had mixed results.
Why do I sell them then? To give customers choice and because the original aim of the products side of my business was to bring potentially helpful products to Australia.
Pumpin Pal™ flange - note that it angles down from the breast so that you can sit in a comfortable position
LacTeck® This is a relatively new company, founded by 2 MIT graduate mothers, who exclusively expressed for their babies. They currently make 4 or 5 products, of which I currently stock BabyMotion flanges. Their BabyMotion flanges are a variation on the current regular flange - they are made from soft silicone, rather than hard plastic. They are shaped in the same way as regular flanges but with a softer section in part of the flange thatis designed to help 'massage' the breast tissue. At the moment the flanges are available in 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 27mm.
The company points out that because they are made from soft silicone some of the vacuum may be absorbed and therefore it will probably be necessary to turn the vacuum up slightly. So if you are already using a high vacuum these may not work well for you (although needing to use a very high vacuum may mean that you are using the wrong size - click here for a sizing guide or here for an article on why choosing the right size is so important).
Lacteck® BabyMotion flanges
Some people have commented that the Lacteck flanges are sized incorrectly - that they are too big. They are actually the correct size (eg a 21mm measures exactly 21mm at the opening of the funnel part), but because they are made of soft silicone they expand slightly or have some 'give' in them, making them appear bigger. Therefore it may be necessary to go a size smaller - eg if you are using 19mm flanges, go for 18mm rather than 21mm. This makes it slightly tricky if you are using 17mm - 15mm maybe be too small, 15mm might be slightly too big, for example.
I have heard of many people liking these flanges. Although a few have also found they do not respond well.
CORRECT SIZING FOR ANY TYPE OF FLANGE IS CRUCIAL - yes, it is in capitals, bold, and underlined because it is that important!!
Very often (as in a few times a week) I get emails or messages from people saying they want to get these flanges because they have heard they are made of soft silicone and will they be better than their current flanges, or they have 'elastic nipples' and have heard these will work well for them.
The first question I ask is what size are they currently using. They usually reply with something between 21mm and 27mm (occasionally bigger or slightly smaller) - in most cases, these sizes are TOO BIG - it is not the hard plastic that is causing the issue/s, it is the incorrect size. If you are currently using anything bigger than a 18mm flange and are considering getting these flanges because of discomfort or because you believe you have elastic nipples, please go and read my sizing guide.
See below for a story that highlights this information.
I cannot stress enough the importance of sizing - notice I've linked my sizing guide a few times? And I've already said it is crucial - unfortunately not many health professionals, even those who suggest expressing, know how to size properly. So if you're having issues and think you need these advanced flanges, before you spend the money and potentially get the wrong type or size, please consider the information in the sizing guide very carefully.
How to use them
Both the Pumpin Pal™ and Lacteck® flanges need a connector to attach to. Both types of flanges are compatible with Medela® pumps, provided that you already have a 2-piece system (ie the flange can be removed from the elbow). For 1 piece flange systems, you will need to get a MyFit connector (available as an add-on for each product). For those that have the backflow protector built into the flange (eg Ameda® or Ardo®), you will need to buy backflow protectors as well.
XS Pumpin Pal flange shown in a MyFit wide connector (they also come in narrow, which mimic the Medela connector)
Both are made from BPA-free materials.
Here is a story that really highlights my point on elastic nipples:
A customer contacted me saying that she has elastic nipples and if there is such a thing as a flange 'extender' as her nipple was touching the back of the flange. After a few emails back and forth I learned that she had exclusively expressed for her first child for 13mths with a 27mm flange, with no issues. She was currently EE'ing for her second and was using a 27mm flange, but she found that her nipple was being pulled right into the flange. She heard that the Pumpin Pal flanges were good for this, so she bought a Medium. But she was still having issues.
I asked her to send me videos of her using both types of flanges and from those, I estimated that she needed a 17mm flange. She was adamant that the 27mm was correct and just needed an extender. I said an extender didn't exist and that I really believed that smaller flanges would help.
She bought the Small Pumpin Pal flange (XS would have been better, as S starts at 19mm) but wrote back saying she was still having issues. I again re-iterated that 17mm regular flanges would probably be better.
So she got the 17's (somewhat reluctantly as she was still somewhat convinced that 27's were correct, due to her having no issues before). A few days later she messaged me in great excitement - her nipple was no longer touching the end of the flange and she had doubled her morning output! She was amazed that I was right about her needing 17's....
Being correct comes from years of helping mothers with sizing and listening to hundreds, if not a thousand or more, stories. I might not always get out 100% correct, but I try my best based on my experience.
Please feel free to email me with any questions - info@cherishedparenting.com.au. To buy either in Australia go to www.cherishedparenting.com.au/online-store