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HypnoBirthing® Classes | Perth
The 5 week HypnoBirthing® program will have you well prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually for birthing
HypnoBirthing® combines positive, evidence based childbirth education with relaxation and breathing techniques, positive imagery, affirmations, and self-hypnosis
The program focuses on birth as a celebration of life!
Rather than a medical event

Give birth with confidence and joy
Be fully informed of your options
Feel more connected to your body, baby and partner
Learn techniques to reduce fear and pain in birth
Be a more conscious parent
I am currently only offering private HypnoBirthing classes - please contact me for more information or see below
Cherished Parenting Services is owned and run solely by Justine - a mother, midwife, and lactation consultant.
I used the techniques to birth to my daughter at home in 2014. I love teaching this program and have seen first hand that it really does work!
HypnoBirthing® - the Mongan Method is a complete childbirth education program that teaches couples how they can have a relaxed, empowering, and positive labour and birth experience, regardless of the mode or place
"When we change the way we look at birth, they way we birth changes"
- Marie Mongan, HypnoBirthing® founder

Evidence based information for pregnancy, labour, birth, and parenting

Learn techniques for a relaxed, positive, and empowering labour, birth, and beyond

Trained and certified with the HypnoBirthing® International Institue (the original and the best)

Taught by a HypnoBirthing® mother, midwife, Neonatal ICU nurse, and lactation consultant

Choose from small group classes in North Beach or private sessions in your own home
Reasons to do a HypnoBirthing® course
(taken from the official HypnoBirthing® website)
You are pregnant and are wanting a natural birth
You are pregnant and are booked for a caesarean
You have fear about your birthing day
You are wanting to have a vaginal birth after a caesarean (VBAC)
You have had a previous birth that was disappointing or traumatic
You are wanting to do an antenatal course that doesn't focus on pain and drugs
You are looking for information on birth, your body and how it will all work on the day
You feel your partner needs more improvement, and would like some tips on how to properly support you
You are wanting to prepare a birth plan or preferences with informed choices
You are wanting to connect with your your baby and learn about pre and post birth parenting
You are interested in learning some life changing techniques on reducing fear, stress, and pain
What we cover
Special breathing techniques to use in pregnancy, during labour and birth
Positions and relaxation techniques to use during labour and birth
Tools for your birth companion to support you throughout your birth
How your body works efficiently and effectively through the different stages of labour
How stress, fear or tension can alter the course of your birth and how to prevent this
How to avoid induction and unnecessary or unwanted intervention
Creating your birth preferences and communicating with your Midwife or Obstetrician
Practical body and mind techniques such as affirmation, visualisation and deepening.
Information for the birth companion
In HypnoBirthing®, the support person is called the 'birth companion'. Traditionally this is the father of the baby and the mother's husband/partner, but it can be anyone the mother chooses - her mother, sister, a very good friend, etc.
In HypnoBirthing® the birth companion's role is very important. You are needed to keep the mother 'on track' with her breathing and relaxation. You are also needed to keep the environment as relaxed and as calm as possible.
You will learn many techniques to help keep Mum focused and grounded. You will also learn what sort of questions you can ask when medical intervention is suggested so you can stay fully informed.
Click here for an article written by a fellow HypnoBirthing® practitioner just for Dads
Ultimately you are the advocate, spokesperson, and guide for the birth of this child
Here is a video by Marie Mongan explaining what instinctual birth is. HypnoBirthing® cannot teach you HOW to give birth but rather reminds you how to trust your body and your baby to give birth safely and calmly
Definition of HypnoBirthing® - the Mongan Method from the official Australian website
"HypnoBirthing® (is a) rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that when a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally, and spiritually, she can experience the joy of birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable way"
Even if you do not fear birth this program can help reinforce your positive beliefs and teach you breathing and relaxation techniques to help you during labour and birth.
HypnoBirthing® does not promise you a completely pain free labour and birth, although some people do experience this, and many describe it as 'comfortable'.
The benefits of HypnoBirthing®:
77% of HypnoBirthing® mothers who birthed vaginally did so without epidural anesthesia
45% of HypnoBirthing® mothers birthed in under eight hours.
17% of HypnoBirthing® mothers birthed via C-section, compared with the national average of 32% (current stats put the CS rate at 34%).
5% of HypnoBirthing® mothers chose to birth in the comfort of their homes (national average is less than 1%)
6% of HypnoBirthing® mothers chose to birth in freestanding birth centres (national average is less than 1%)
Data provided by HypnoBirthing® Institute, between 2005-2010
HypnoBirthing®-Mongan Method prepares, educates and teaches you to relax, let go and allow your body to birth your baby in a gentle, safe and joyful manner. You are aware and fully in control during your labour and birth, but profoundly relaxed.
What’s happens if special circumstances arise during my birth?
HypnoBirthing® can still be of help to you because it educates you and prepares you to ask questions. Furthermore it teaches you techniques to remain calm and confident. Hence you can make informed choices and still have a positive experience.
When choosing a HypnoBirthing® Educator always look for the gold seal. It means they have trained and are certified with the HypnoBirthing® International Insitute. The Institute was founded by Marie Mongan in 1989 - the creator of the HypnoBirthing® program. HypnoBirthing® International has had Educators in Australia since 2000. Educators undergo extensive training and are provided with ongoing support and education with the Institute.
For lots more information on HypnoBirthing® please visit the official Australian website (click on the HB logo above), and then remember to return here to book your classes!
HypnoBirthing classes Perth, childbirth education classes, antenatal classes, positive birth, calmbirth, gentle birth, reduce intervention in birth, birth preparation