10 ways (and more) dads and partners can support breastfeeding mums and newborns
Having a new baby can be very exciting but can also be daunting and exhausting. They might be small, but they require full time care –...
Expressing colostrum during pregnancy
At about 16 weeks gestation, your body starts making colostrum - learn more about expressing this colostrum antenatally (ie before birth)
Alternative methods to bottle-feeding
Using an artificial teat to feed a baby milk can cause nipple confusion and flow preference. Some babies can go between breast and bottle...
Is bottle feeding easier than breastfeeding?
Disclaimer – I am talking about babies born with no ongoing medical issues that may affect their ability to feed or energy requirements....
Amazing colostrum - facts and myths
This was originallly a Facebook post and due to its popularity I've turned it into an article. I've added in a couple of extra bits of...
Another one about babies sleeping through the night...
Oh infant sleep, it’s such a controversial subject! I’ve already written one article about it (Change your expectations not your baby), but
Change your expectations, not your baby
In Western society there seems to be this expectation that new mothers do not need help with their babies - but what if they need just as mu
Help! My baby won't sleep in their cot
This is something I hear from new parents A LOT! And its usually followed by 'the only place they will sleep is on me or their...