5 Myths About Exclusive Expressing
Exclusive expressing can be a viable way to give baby breast milk where direct feeding is not possible, but there are some myths surrounding
What is woman centred maternity care?
I have heard recently that rather than maternity services being described as 'woman-centred' they should be 'family-centred'. I tried...
When is it Ok to stop exclusively expressing?
I was exhausted, depressed, and done, but wanted to cry when I thought about stopping. But I was able to stop without feeling sad or guilty
Pumpin Pal vs Lacteck flanges
Two brands of after market flanges exist - Pumpin Pal and Lacteck. Find out the similarities and differences of them in this article
"HypnoBirthing gave me strength"
Hi Justine, I didn't get the birth I was hoping for, but the hypnobirthing gave me the strength to get through a long first stage – I...
A due date is not an expiry date
The concept of a due date being 40 weeks from the first day of your menstrual period was 'invented' in the 1700's. Before that
What birth needs now...
Having doctors on standby is a good thing, but routine intervention probably isn't. Stats show that perinatal deaths are not decreasing
Fed is not 'best', informed is
Of course you must feed your baby, and I really don't care how you feed your baby. But if you want to breastfeed please make sure you h
A positive birth story
A former HypnoBirthing mother shares her positive birth story....the midwife thought she was too calm to be in labour!
Paced bottle feeding
The majority of parents who choose to breastfeed their baby know that introducing a bottle (or artificial teat) can cause ‘nipple...